This past day I had the opportunity to practice and remember some of the German that I studied in high school. The Schilde family from Hamburg, Germany were a delight to have as guests.
Last night we had the opportunity to play a German game with them called Kaker-Laken Salat, meaning, "Cockroach Salad". A simple game, it was a lot of fun. And they even gave it to us which was a real blessing.
The Schilde family has been living in the States for about 6 years in the Chicago area for work. Their son Jacob wanted to visit Amish Country so here they came :) Next on the itinerary is to visit other parts of the country including Washington D.C.
We always enjoy meeting people from other parts of the world, one of the highlights of Innkeeping. We hope to see the Schilde family and others like them again.
Until then: "Auf Wiedersehen!!!"