This is my first blog for the
Hasseman House Bed and Breakfast we have run the past 6 1/2 years, which is a 1900 historical B&B located in the largest Amish Country settlement in the world (Holmes County, Ohio. You can check out our website at:
amishdoor.com/content/hassemanhouse.phpMy name is Jason Fawks, the Blogger. :) My wife is Jenny. We have been married 13 years and have two girls, Joy & Faith. Joy is 9 this coming week and Faith is 7. They are such a blessing from the Lord! We are followers of Jesus Christ and see what we do as innkeepers as not just a job, but a ministry of hospitality (Hebrews 13:2).
I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I am a pianist and I play regularly at the Amish Door Restaurant (
http://www.amishdoor.com/ ) which we are owned by (every 2
nd and 4
th Saturday in the after noon 4:00 - 7:30 pm). I enjoy anything outdoors like biking hiking fishing, archery, camping, etc. I also enjoy RC planes and have been having fun flying my new Super Cub around the big back yard.
Jenny is an avid reader and enjoys home life with the girls and me! She is a gifted teacher for the girls and we enjoy many of the same interests. She has a talent for ballet and for the past two years has taught a small home school group for local girls.
We feel truly blessed to be innkeepers. This blog will not just be an attempt to market the B&B, although I do hope it creates exposure for us. My focus will be to share stories from the life of an Innkeeper in Amish Country and also just share about our lives. God will always be a part of our story, because He is the Author of our story, but we're just people like everyone and want to share some of our journey with others, hoping it might be a blessing.
Yesterday my girls planted their first garden. It's not a huge plot. Maybe 10 by 4, but it's theirs. We planted it on the back patio that is down from the house and faces the alfalfa fields. The Amish "flower ladies" have been hard at work putting in gorgeous flowers around the house. I mentioned we would like this spot for the girls to work at. We home school, so this is a great opportunity for them to learn.
They did great. They planted four tomato plants, some herbs (basil, oregano, parsley, cilantro, catnip) and two rows of beans. An added bonus is that the garden is right next to a sprinkler head, so there you have it. More to come and thanks for reading...................:L)